• How did EFI start?

    By the grace of God, Mission to the World and Equipping Leaders International’s agriculture program in Africa, which began in 2019, became a tremendously effective ministry of justice and mercy, allowing Christian families to lift themselves out of poverty and become a Kingdom-focused blessing to their communities.

    With the rapid expansion and success, combined with the great need presented by the worsening food security situation in Africa, in early 2023 program leaders felt the time was right to launch a new organization, Equipping Farmers International (EFI), to see a physically and spiritually self-sustained church in the Global South that will feed the world physically and spiritually.

  • What are EFI's goals?

    Equipping Farmers International (EFI) exists to engage communities in agricultural discipleship that results in food security and improved livelihoods. Our goal is to multiply networks of churches around the world that are overcoming food insecurity and hunger in their communities and developing financial sustainability by applying biblically based regenerative agriculture and stewardship in their communities.

  • In what areas does EFI help communities?

    EFI assists communities by equipping church leaders to disciple their members to practice fruitful stewardship of their land and resources. This includes trainings in conservation agriculture, well drilling, financial management, and other ancillary activities.

  • What methods does EFI teach?

    EFI teaches conservation or regenerative agriculture farming with a focus on the Pfumvudza methodology for staple crop production designed by Foundations for Farming (FFF) in Zimbabwe.

    We also promote a manually operated well drilling technique developed by Water For All International. Learn more about our approach to water.

  • What is the impact of EFI’s work in a local community?

    A small church that, giving out of their need, only brings together $6-10 per month and relies on Western giving to take care of their needs, can experience a total shift in financial state. With just a portion of their land, members of the church could become food secure and financially stable in such a way that the church can support its own pastor and even achieve community outreach goals.

  • How do I become an EFI trainer?

    There are several ways that you can become a trainer and different levels of trainer training. You may fill out the appropriate EFI national lead or western trainer candidate form. Someone from EFI will be in touch to discuss becoming a trainer.

    National Lead Trainers apply here.

    Western Trainers apply here.

  • How do I give financially to EFI?

    For just $40 per month, you can support one family to be trained in sustainable agriculture methods that will enable them to feed themselves and transform their financial situation.

    By sponsoring a trainer with a monthly contribution of $100, you're enabling them to train countless families in sustainable farming methods.

    Give now: https:/pushpay.com/g/equippingfarmersinternational

    EFI will also accept donations by check to:
    Equipping Farmers International, c/o Frank Sindler
    P.O. Box 17327
    Chattanooga, TN 37415

  • How do I bring EFI to my church or village?

    We can send an information packet that describes how EFI can work together with your church or community. Fill out our contact information form and request an EFI information packet for your church.

    Our process includes a time to get to know your context and situation and develop a plan that fits.

  • How can I pray for EFI?

    Pray for the Lord to continue growing EFI’s core team, to provide for the financial needs to complete trainings in 2023, and for the farming families we work with in the Global South, as food insecurity is on the rise.